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For foreign students

Dear student,

If you are nominated by your home university to study at the Academy of Hotel Management and Catering Industry in Poznań (Poland), please, fill in our form: Personal Data of Erasmus Student and send it to our Erasmus Coordinator:

Przemysław Wojtysiak
Head of International Office
Erasmus Coordinator
e-mail address: praktyki@wshig.poznan.pl
phone: +48 61 87 11 557
phone: +48 733 892 540

After the acceptation you will be obliged to send us your Learning Agreement.

Application deadlines within which we should get the originals of your documents:

  • 30th of June - winter semester;
  • 15th of January - summer semester.

Documents should be sent to:

Academy of Hotel Management and Catering Industry
att. Przemysław Wojtysiak – Erasmus Office
ul. Nieszawska 13C
61-021 Poznań

In order to choose subjects for your Learning Agreement we recommend you to get acquainted with the list of courses taught at our Academy. You may find it here.

Students who are accepted will receive a written information from our International Office.

All the coming students may count on a support of Erasmus Coordinator during their stay in Poznań and before arrival. While studies you can feel free to speak foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Italian) to all International Office workers. You may also communicate in English to the teaching staff regarding the subjects, required work, marks etc. All overseas students have also a great opportunity to participate in Polish language Erasmus classes adapted to their level.

We pay particular attention to recognizing students achievements through implementing ECTS and timely issuing the required documents. Always full recognition must be given to students who satistactorily completed activities specified in the compulsory Learning Agreements. Overseas students are given Transcript of Records containing full record of their achievements during their studies in Poland.




Dear teacher,

The Academy of Hotel Management and Catering Industry in Poznan offers students:

  • a three-year Bachelor of Science course
  • a two-yearsupplementary Master of Science course
  • a one-year postgraduate course

I and II cycle studies in Tourism and Recreation within the confines of three majors:

  • Hotel Management and Catering Industry
  • Tourism Service
  • Management and Marketing in Hotels, Restaurants, Tourism and Recreation
  • Physical Recreation

If you specialize in any of those areas and you wish to come to our Academy on terms of Erasmus Programme, please, contact:

Przemysław Wojtysiak
Head of International Office
e-mail address: praktyki@wshig.poznan.pl
phone: +48 61 87 11 557